

TWi Named an Emergent Techcomm Leader in 2011

Jan 12, 2012

MindTouch, a US-based company that has developed a cloud-based help system of the same name, recently released a list of the most influential techcomm* leaders in 2011. We were delighted that Technically Write IT (TWi) was recognised as a techcomm leader by ranking fifth in the Most Emergent Techcomm Influencer category, which identifies individuals and organisations with the fastest growing influence.

Interestingly, the people at MindTouch compiled this list of techcomm leaders using a new and advanced social media analysis tool. Other categories included: Top Listeners, Most Influential, Most Followed, Oldest, and Most Frequent.

Techcomm Leaders


We are honoured to be recognised alongside some of the best businesses and individuals operating in our industry today, scattered across the globe. Furthermore, we are looking forward to the 2012 list and hoping we can maintain our position as a techcomm leader!

* The #techcomm hashtag is commonly used on Twitter to discuss issues around technical communication, technical writing, and documentation.

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